We are working to draw the white smile on your face, so we have created the Department of Dentistry, which is the first department was opened in the complex Rounaq Medical, where the section is characterized by the availability of the latest medical and cosmetic devices and technologies, and includes a selection of consultants and doctors and nurses specializing in the treatment of various problems and defects of teeth.
The Department of Dentistry includes several specialized sub-departments, such as:
Department of Orthodontics: This section provides high-level medical services in various advanced orthodontic techniques, such as metal calendar, internal calendar, transparent calendar, and invisible calendar (Invisalin).
Radiology Department: This section is equipped with the latest European digital panorama techniques for radiography, which gives the most clear images and the lowest exposure to radiation.
Department of Sterilization: This section is equipped with the international medical quality standards, containing the latest German devices with high efficiency and approved by the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia to ensure the maximum protection of the patient.
The Department of Root and Neuroscience Therapy: This section provides various treatment and preventive services to treat root problems, children's toothpaste with anti-decay material, application of fluoride to children's teeth to protect against caries, and treatment of cavities and filling of all kinds.
The installation Department: the processor to deal with the combinations of both types, the mobile formulations which include a partial moving set and a fixed moving set, and the second type the mobile structures that include the crown that is installed for one tooth, and the bridge that has several teeth.
Cosmetic Dentistry Department: which offers top quality cosmetic services such as cosmetic fillings, lumineses and Veneer lenses to get celebrity smile, and contagious and colorful teeth treatment within one week, covered by the Veneer cosmetic layer.
Department of Oral Surgery: which provides various treatment and surgical services such as dislocation of teeth, and micro-oral surgery, such as remove the molars of the mind under the bone.
We are proud to provide the finest medical and cosmetic services through our experts and the latest equipment and technologies